Last night my son and his classmates were giving their first performance. It is a big deal for them and parents because well we’ve had covid, and they are moving from primary to middle school plus this is today’s world so we all believe that our kids are special, gifted, the best or if one is to be brutally honest, we believe we are all that because aren’t kids a reflection of their parents? We brought these kids into the world and are raising them so! but let’s pretend we are modest and it is about them! So, in typical fashion, I plan God laughs mixed with I am a“ Mère indigne ” : Yesterday was one of those, I had 2 major appointments that I had booked in January and was not going to cancel for anything in the world, son had rehearsal plus play, we needed to do his registration for middle school, daughter had dance … Marathon! But we’s Kenyan, so you know we are marathon runners- Hi Nyashinski! Run we did, and depending on how one looks at things we won, or almost did...
This is a place where I pen my thoughts, write about my experiences in life and most importantly where I share information about my projects or as the great professor Wangari Maathai, called them "My little things". Her little thing was "planting trees" , conserving the Environment. A passion I share too. My little thing is Empowerment and basically the desire and will to make a difference. As Maathai said " I will be a humming bird, I will do the best I can".